Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Paul Hackett will run for Senate in 2006 against DeWine (Google news wire)

Finally! Us Ohioans have a real contender for Senate. And, a recent Zogby poll has Hackett already ahead of DeWine by 44.2% - 35.9% (+-2.9% MOE).

Now my question is: Where do I sign up to volunteer for the Hackett campaign? It's about time we kicked these corrupt Ohio GOP politicians out of power.


Matt said...

Good Luck Ohio! I hope he wins!

Anonymous said...


Just love your blog. Just finished reading all the way back to Kurt Vonnegut. Thanks for keeping me politically informed. And keeping me pissed off. I found that same article from the 2 firefighters that got stuck in New Orleans and nearly lost my mind! Two of my favorite posts are the Jimmy Carter one (maybe not a great president, but the man had integrity) and the one about Brown. Great dental hygenist analogy. Check out this blog http://stcasseroleblog.blogspot.com/2005/10/preachers-coffee-group.html#comments where a woman pastor who's house was hit by hurricane Katrina says how much she wishes Clinton was her president right now.

Mapmaker in DC said...

Sorry to get you so pissed off.... but you know, NPR did a segment on this a week after Democracy Now and it even had interviews with the Algiers residents praising their police force for keeping the riff raff out of town...

I'll have to read that blog. I wish Bill Clinton were still our president too (though I'd prefer Obama over any of the 2008 contenders right now)...