Saturday, June 11, 2005

Dean is Right!

The GOP is pretty much a bunch of White Christians.

As illustrated by the 2004 election result (browse them yourself at CNN).

Here are the facts...

The Republicans made of 37% of the electorate, of which 93% voted for Bush. This means the CORE GOP, that is those who admit to be Republicans and supported Bush, make up 34.5% of the electorate.

But Bush won 51% of the electorate. His support included some Independents and Democrats. Bush's Democrat 'Zell Miller' supports make up only 4% of the electorate, while the Independent supporters make up the remaining 12.5%.

But let's remember the 34.5% that are Republicans...

Now, let's look at the nonChristian voters.

Demographic & % of demographic in electorate
Support Bush Total % of Bush Supporters in electorate
jewish 3% 25%
other 7% 23%
none 10% 31%
total 20% 27.3% 5.46%

So, ALL the nonChristian Bush supporters make up only 5.46% of the electorate.

Lastly, consider the nonWhite voters.
RACE % of demographic in electorate Support Bush Total % of Bush Supporters in electorate
black 11% 11% 1.21%
Latino 8% 44% 3.52%
Asian 2% 44% 0.88%
Other 2% 40% 0.80%
Total 23% 27.87% 6.41%

So, ALL the nonWhite Bush supporters make up only 6.41% of the electorate.

Now, to put the GOP in THE BEST LIGHT, let's say they are extremely inlcusive and every person who is not White and voted for Bush is a bonfide GOP party member.

That means that this 6.41% is part of the 34.5% of total Republicans, meaning they make up a whopping 18.6% of their ranks.

Also, the nonChristian Bush supporters, at 5.46% of the electorate. Let's also say for the sake of putting the GOP in the beast light that ALL of them are bonafide Republican party members. That means they make up a whopping 15.8% of their ranks., since the GOP claims they aren't a party that is "pretty much a bunch of White Christians", lets add in ALL nonChristian and nonWhite Bush supporters to their ranks.

So at 11.87% of the electorate, and, once again, for the benefit of the doubt we say the all are card-carrying GOP members, they would make up 34.4% of the total GOP.

Hence, the remaining 65.6% of the GOP membership are White Christians!!

But this can only be true if...
1) All nonChristians who voted for Bush belong to the GOP
2) All nonWhites who voted for Bush belong to the GOP.
3) All nonChristians who voted for Bush are White
4) All nonWhite who voted for Bush are Christian.

If any of conditions 1-4 prove false,
then the % of White Christian GOP membership GROWS!

so let the GOP spin machine whine all it wants. The facts speak for themselves.


Dominic Moore said...

I think it's actually kind of funny how the GOP made so much noise about not being a "white christian" party. I mean, they are, as you nicely point out. This should be obvious to anyone with half a brain, which may be assuming too much about some of their Congressmen.

Anonymous said...

Since roughly 60% of the electorate is white and christian, I'd say the democrats would do better to quit complaining that the opposition speaks more effectively than they to this majority.

Then again, perhaps we're all better off if democrats keep complaining about the majority, and the majority keeps voting as they are doing.

Jon said...

Good workup there, can't argue the math.

What I do find funny are the statements from the right to keep doing or saying that, if you want to lose. A solid indication that the act or statement was effective.

I hope they keep it up.