Friday, June 24, 2005

Karl Rove defends "Conservative Blind Rage"

By now most of you have heard Karl Rove's latest attack on the liberals from last Wednesday's gathering of the Conservative Party of New York state.

"Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 in the attacks and prepared for war. Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers."

Indeed Conservatives & Liberals did see the savagery of 9/11 the same. Conservatives, in a blind rage for revenge, prepared for war, scoffed at the advice of our neighbors, spurned them of the help they were willing to offer, invaded the wrong country, let the mastermind of the attack get away, made our servicemen targets in a foreign land, and through their ineffectiveness to plan ahead and the carelessness of their fury have made the world more dangerous. We have also pissed off our neighbors, and they aren't going to help us out that much anymore.

Liberals know that these are not the actions of another country but a group of terrorists. You isolate them by removing their support; by changing the hearts and minds of those who would show them sympathy. These terrorists rally around causes and pull their new recruits from those seduced by their cause. You take away their cause, you eliminate the pool of terrorists. So, identify the causes, defuse them or resolve them (like the Israel-Palestinian one), and shrink the number of places in the world friendly to terrorists.

When the terrorists have no safe harbor to call home, and the world is against them (as the rest of the world was with us in solidarity right after 9-11), they can't hide for long. Now, not only our own government, but the government of other countries is looking for them too. And it is a lot easier on our part when cooperation rules the day.

This is a completely different war, and having the biggest tanks and fastest jets aren't the way to win it. Liberals know this, but conservatives won't listen when they get angry.

1 comment:

Jon said...


Isolate the core from it support, and the core will die off (or be killed). Any action that we take that brodens their support just makes them stronger, even when we are killing hundreds.

The failure to understand this basic fact has put us 10 years behind in the 'war on terror' and even worse, 5 years behine on the real war, the war on Al Quada.


Isolate the bad guys
Erode their base

we win