Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Bush's approval just keeps on sinking...

If you went off for a month-long vacation while the business you run were in crisis, how would that make you look as a leader?

If you didn't have time to meet with the family of an employee who died in an industrial accident at your company, but you had plenty of time to attend golf outings with your stockholders, how would that make you look as a leader?

Well, with Bush's month-long vacation at his Texas compound while the nation is at war overseas, along with his refusal to meet privately with Cindy Sheehan while taking time out of his vacation to meet with campaign donors, he's not looking so well as a leader...

If you haven't see the recent polling done by SurveyUSA, it's worth a good look.

Just released on 8/16/2005, it calculates Bush's approval rating to be a national average of 41%. This, if I'm correct, is his worst rating yet.

But SurveyUSA takes it a step further than other approval polls; they have a state by state breakdown. And look at Ohio...

37% Approve ; 60% Disapprove

...yep. The state that went for Bush in 2004 is only topped in their disapproval of Bush by those liberal states of New Jersey(61%), Maryland(62%), New York(62%), Connecticut(62%), California(62%), Vermont(63%), Delaware(64%), Massachusetts(64%), and Rhode Island(68%).

I should also note Ohio isn't alone. Missouri also voted for Bush in 2004 and now their approval/diapproval is 38%/58%, tied right with the blue state of Michigan.

Florida, however, still approves of him at 44%, slightly above the national average?

So why are Ohio and Missouri changing their minds about Bush?

I'm not sure about Missouri, but here in Ohio we've had some nasty scandals arise on the state level, the OH-2nd district Hackett-Schmidt house battle which severely threatened a GOP stronghold, and an economy of stagflation for the past 5 years.

Numbers like these aren't permanent though, but if this is the omen of things to come in the 2006 congressional elections, things are looking good for the Democrats...


Mapmaker in DC said...

Hey... got my first spam comment.

I feel special...

Anonymous said...

Like having our own counter-protester? :)

Amazing what that wacko in the White House gets away with isn't it?

Tyson Holt said...

Hello mate great bblog post