Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Just one more reason....

....to get out of Ohio. The one good candidate the Democrats have to defeat Mike DeWine for US Senate has been squeezed out by HIS OWN PARTY. It seems the party wants Sherrod Brown to run instead (and most liekly lose). This area is so backward thinking that it drives me crazy.

And to think I was going to volunteer for the Hackett campaign, stick around until November... well, hell with that!

Here's the press statement:

Today I am announcing that I am withdrawing from the race for United States Senate. I made this decision reluctantly, only after repeated requests by party leaders, as well as behind the scenes machinations, that were intended to hurt my campaign.

But there was no quid pro quo. I will not be running in the Second Congressional District nor for any other elective office. This decision is final, and not subject to reconsideration.

I told the voters from the beginning that I am not a career politician and never aspired to be--that I was about leadership, service and commitment.

Similarly, I told party officials that I had given my word to other good Democrats, who will take the fight to the Second District, that I would not run. In reliance on my word they entered the race. I said it. I meant it. I stand by it. At the end of the day, my word is my bond and I will take it to my grave.

Thus ends my 11 month political career. Although it is an overused political cliché, I really will be spending more time with my family, something I wasn't able to do because my service to country in the political realm continued after my return from Iraq. Perhaps my wonderful wife Suzi said it best after we made this decision when she said "Honey, welcome home." I really did marry up.

To my friends and supporters, I pledge that I will continue to fight and to speak out on the issues I believe in. As long as I have the microphone, I will serve as your voice.

It is with my deepest respect and humility that I thank each and every one of you for the support you extended to our campaign to take back America, and personally to me and my family. Together we made a difference. We changed the debate on the Iraq War, we inspired countless veterans to continue their service by running for office as Democrats and we made people believe again. We must continue to believe.

Remember, we must retool our party. We must do more than simply aspire to deliver greatness; we must have the commitment and will to fight for what is great about our party and our country; Peace, prosperity and the freedoms that define our democracy.

Paul Hackett

...and once again the Democrats snatch Defeat from the jaws of Victory.

When you have these kind of moronic decisions being made, it is time for the Democratic Party to either change or die. Or, simply put, if they don't change, they will die.

As an Ohioan, I can tell you that Hackett was Ohio's best chance for US Senate. Now they'll just have to contend with the weak sacrificial-lamb candidates they always send up to lose the election.

And the chances of an Ohio pickup go flushing down the toilet...


Jon said...

Another sad day in American politics

Marie said...


1. Keep using that bigger type that's at the end of your post. I'm gonna be 40 soon and you're killing my eyes, buddy.

2. I knew you were thinking of leaving, but I'm still sad about it.

3. Politics sucks.

4. I don't know what to say about your epiphany post, except that I've had the same thoughts. Go figure.