Monday, April 18, 2005

Aging, maturity, and Ponce de Leon

Last Saturday's Cub Scout weekend went beautifully... not a cloud in the sky, 70 degrees. The kids and their fathers were wonderful - no incidents or anything - only one kid skinned his knee. It was nice to see the fathers and their kids spending quality time together. Some had children that couldn't ride a bike, so they took one of the bikes off to the side of the course and did that right-of-passage of teaching their kid to ride a bike - holding on to the back of the seat, running with their son, then letting go and seeing how far he could get. I couldn't help but remember when I was their age and my father taught me to ride in the back alley behind our home.

I had a great assistant, Jake, for the day. He's a big guy - about 6'2" and 300 lbs. He was a great help, running onto the course to check on kids that fell, going over the rules of the course for the kids when I was too busy adjusting a seat for one of the kids, etc. From how responsible, mature, and big he is, I guessed he was about 20-22 years old.... turns out he's a junior in high school and still a Boy Scout (also, he thought I was 27-28). I must say I was impressed that someone so young could be such an adult.

I also ran into an old friend from college. At first I wasn't sure it was him... the bits of gray in his hair made him seem older. We were both in the same student organization, we both graduated with a degree in theater at the same time, and he is only a year or so older than me. He was there with his son. Last time I saw him, back in 95, he was married with one daughter. I got a chance to catch up with him. It turns out he was divorced with 2 children from that marriage, and was now remarried. His second wife already had 2 kids from a previous marriage, now ages 12 and 17. His son with him today was his from his second wife. So here is someone I knew, one year older than me, with 5 children.

This morning, a friend of mine who is living in Japan, Jason,-- his wife had a son.

This morning it all hit me... so many changes in other people's lives... marriage, divorce, children, etc... my friend from the scout camp said I still looked the same. I feel like I haven't aged. Like somehow I was watching everyone else grow old but I was not growing old myself. I found my own perception of my age more akin to Jake's (when I thought he was 20-22) than to the parents there for the weekend. Both him & I are at the stage of our lives where we are adults yet unburdened with responsibilities of marriage and parenthood. A time to be carefree and adventurous.

...I have grown in many ways over the past ten years. I am definitely not the same person I was back then. Yet today, reflecting on where my friends are, I feel like they've passed me, moved on with their lives... married... fathers... and that I haven't aged at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim....
Checking out your site. Dont worry about feeling like everybodyelse has passed you by...Believe me, there is no rat race to the finish. Life is what you make it not what other people say it should be. Ever consider that maybe you have been actually enjoying life and living in the present? Not that others arent too....but just remember that life unfolds for everyone differently.....As for me..I dont think I would feel too happy if I had 5 kids by now and 2 marriages.
Keep up the great looking site.
