Friday, April 29, 2005

Punditry Goes Too Far...

This just boils my blood...

I just read from the Livejournal Group Christian Left that renowned windbag and recovering drug addict Rush Limbaugh, on his April 27, 2005 radio show, spouted:

"I would submit to you that people on the left are religious, too. Their God is just different. The left has a different God. There's a religious left in this country.

"And, the religious left in this country hates and despises the God of Christianity and Catholicism and whatever else. They despise it because they fear it, because it's a threat, because that God has moral absolutes. That God has right and wrong, that God doesn't deal in nuance, that God doesn't deal in gray area, that God says, 'This is right and that is wrong.'"

This is going too far. You know this hate-speech drivel is aired, at taxpayer expense, over Armed Forces Radio to our troops in Iraq? How many self-righteous Ditto-Heads are hearing this bigoted, hateful statement, and nodding their heads in affirmation?!

Faithful Progressive is calling for a boycott of all stations that broadcast this show until Mr. Limbaugh issues a formal apology or is removed from the air. I for one am joining in, and I call on all who are insulted and offended by his statements to do the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard this:
WAYNESVILLE, N.C. - A pastor who led a charge to kick out nine church members who refused to support President Bush was the talk of the town Saturday in this mountain hamlet, with ousted congregants considering hiring a lawyer.

What is it with the politics in religion? I understand that The Fatman (Rush)is a shock jock (just with politics...think about it, he is just another Jerry Springer/Howard Stern/Martha Stewart(?)), but come on. Isn't the 'church' in the US having enough problems.

-Dno the Don