Monday, January 09, 2006

When is torture legal?

When you live in Bushworld.

In Bushworld, the following is a solid defense.

A Lie a Day: I Guess He Has To Go Free Now


Matt said...

Man, that is harsh. But there is truth to it.

We should rise to be examples for others to follow, not lower ourselves to the level of Saddam or Hitler.

- Matt

Jim Macdonald said...

Hey Tim, my first visit to your blog. Thanks for the link.

That was a great cartoon.

Jim in DC...tortuously protesting torture

PS You've asked what we do in the community besides protest; my lunch hour today is a homeless feeding...we're really trying hard to be resisters who resist not only by making noise with our voices but by making some noise with our actions.

The torture of our government extends right to the streets of the capital in ways that are overt and covert, explicit and implict.